Hello. Yes. It's me. I'm still here.
So why have I been so quiet, you ask? (Go on then, ask!) Well, it's been a bit of a whirlwind for the past few months. Not only was I continuing my international jet setting with the Cheese Orders in Sweden, I was also looking after the UK Cheese Orders. All of this kept me extremely busy. Not because of all the cheese that kept being delivered, but because I had to manage all of the reasons for why the cheese was not being delivered on time to two different geographical areas. It taught me one thing, the complexities of cheese ordering and the delivering of actual cheese is difficult on a global basis. There is no one, particular reason for this but all of the factors put together - the late orders, the difficulty in raising the paperwork to order cheese, the two different production partners in the cheese making process, the difficulty in understanding cheese requirements, the production partners not actually having any cheese ingredients in stock (having now outsourced the cows themselves, to Indian and Bulgarian dairy farms), the lack of production partner staff to wrap the cheese and the lack of any actual cheese distribution means that having a cheese sandwich on the date you have promised your hungry customers you will have one is pretty much impossible. It didn't help matters that the Rare Beast moved into Cheese Production so the standard answer would always come back as 'NO'. I give up.
And I did give up. Literally. I carried on and gave it my best but it was clear that one little mouse couldn't knit the whole thing back together again with goodwill and wishes alone. So I have passed the Cheese Production Order Monitoring on to someone else. I used to work with her before, in my crime fighting days and I think she will be awesome. Here we are doing our handover. I think she will kick some ass although I do worry that she might set a few airport monitors off.
So, what next for Mouse? I think it's time to think. To sit back and remind myself of who I am. Me. Mouse. So to that end I have changed the title of this little memoir to 'Resting Mouse' - for now - and I've changed the look of it a bit. What do you think?
Stay tuned for news of my 'resting' adventures. Although I don't think I'll rest very much. Do you?
Yours relax-ed-ly,
Mouse xx
Oh Mouse, resting gives so much opportunity for new adventures to come along. You will have fun I am sure of it.