Sunday, 15 January 2012

Meet Miss Mouse...

Hello.  My name is Mouse.  Miss Millicent Mouser, in full, but Mouse to my friends, who are many. Miss Mouse to others.  I'm not keen on the 'r' part of Mouser.  It makes me sound like some kind of wild, hunting Mouse. Which I am most certainly not.

No, I am a very civilised Mouse.  I live in a proper house, with my boss, Edie, who is five years old.  I am a working Mouse, I have my own business helping important companies do things with computers.  I kind of fell into this work whilst studying cheese - I was engaged in a job, fixing a computer which had been jammed up when the remnants of a cheese sandwich dropped into the controls, and found I had a talent for both fixing the computer and for calming down the silly man who had dropped it in there in the first place.

I now have a very exciting job.  I am working for a global company - grand eh?  And I get to fly to all sorts of places, but especially Sweden.  This sounds very glamorous, but in fact means that I know a lot about Airports, and especially about the kinds of chocolate sold in Duty Free Shops.  It's not all Cheese you know!

So here is where I will share some of my adventures - and there have already been a few.  Last week alone I was in airports in Zurich, Hannover, Brussels and Birmingham.  Would you believe that in Zurich airport, where I was stranded for SIX HOURS, there is no such thing as a Cheese shop?  I thought the Swiss were famous for their cheeses!  

Tomorrow I am off to Malmo, Sweden, via Copenhagen, Denmark.  I'm quite used to this journey now and know all of the best stop offs.

I will keep you posted on my adventures!

With whiskery hugs,


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I would love to hear your comments on my travels. Leave me a message. Then I will know I'm not talking to myself... Mouse xx