Pah! I was all set to go back to Malmo for another visit but I was hit by THE BUG. There I was, sneezing, coughing and red eyed and completely incapable of packing a suitcase. So I had to delegate.
Delegation is always a tricky business, especially for a Mouse with Project Manager on her CV. Those of you in the business will also know that Project Manager can be spelled C-O-N-T-R-O-L F-R-E-A-K.
Bear and Fairy offered to do the honours for me and attend a very important meeting with the Miss Mooses. A meeting to represent the Mouse Outsourcing processes - see the last post for details of that. The Miss Mooses, and especially the Mr. Head Moose (or is that Moose Head?) are not particularly fond of the Outsourcing model demonstrated by the Farmer and his Cheese, and they get around this by simply pretending it's not real. Bear is fairly experienced in the ways of cheese, fish and Mooses, but Fairy is new to the company. She is idealistic and pure of heart. I worried for her safety.
They started the journey with the same merry heart that I used to start my adventures with - not to mention a coffee and a blueberry muffin. They reviewed the slides that they helped me put together with Bear's boss and they were ready to present to ALL of the Mooses.
The Mooses immediately saw the benefit in having Fairy there. Mr. Head Moose (or is that...?) threw up his horned head in joy. 'At last I see the benefit of your department! We are short of a resource here for entering the fish ordering data. Fairy - you can be the resource. You can help us.' He crossed his arms and leant back in his chair, a satisfactory smile on his whiskers. Fairy, being relatively new, was aghast. She was there to make sure that they order fish properly and to try to get them to give sight of their future fish orders. Bear nudged Fairy - 'I think you'd better put them straight.' he said.
'I have to leave now - very busy.' said Mr. Head Moose (or... ?).
Another satisfactory meeting then. Fairy can hold her own - she soon put them straight - but by then there was no-one listening.
So it would seem that if we don't like what is real, all we need do is ignore it? Why did I never think of this before? Next time Moose or Farmer gives me a telling off because of the new limited access to cows or fish, I will simply smile and pretend it's not happening.
Fairy also learned another valuable lesson on this trip. In Sweden, a 'V' next to a menu item in a restaurant, and marked 'Vegetarian' in the key, means that there is a vegetarian OPTION which can be SPECIFICALLY ORDERED. Oops - sorry, Mooses.
With Tissues and Love,
Mouse x
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